Friday, September 9, 2016

Programme magazine 51st IVC

09 September 2016 Have a look at the programme of the Lied Duo Competition that will take place from 10 through 16 September.

From 10 through 16 September the Lied Duo Competition will take place in 's-Hertogenbosch. Excited to see the programme? Have a look at our digital programme magazine. Note: most of it is written in Dutch. From page 54 you will find information in English. During the competition there will be free copies available. 

A few words of welcome from Annett Andriesen 
Welcome to IVC 2016! I’m absolutely convinced that it will be a wonderful week, even though this year’s competition has a different format than usual. The temporary closure of the Thea- ter aan de Parade has compelled us to take the decision to split this session of the IVC; the Lied Duos will be held this year and the Opera/Oratorio section will be held next year in 2017. In a normal competition year, the IVC makes use of every single space in the theatre, not only the auditoria; almost every dressing room is used either for warming up or for changing, and the smaller rooms for rehearsals, a jury room, the IVC office, and the canteen for staff, theatre personnel, music staff and volunteers. In the first week of the competition we would normally hear some seventy singers in the Opera/Oratorio category and 18 Lied Duos. This requires considerable planning. In the short time since we found out that the theatre would not be available, it has not been possible to find other locations that were suitable to receive the entire competition.

The Lied Duos are required to present ten songs from the standard German repertoire, ten songs from standard French repertoire and ten songs of their own choice. Three languages and three stylistic periods are also required. The Duos that reach the semi-final will also be required to perform the set piece composed by Monique Krüs. Singers and pianists will be judged not only on their individual qualities but also on their ensemble.

I wish you a festive and inspiring week full of poetry, music, young artists and contacts with other music lovers!

Annett Andriesen, general director 

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