vrijdag 16 september 2016

Vijf vragen aan Milan Siljanov en Nino Chokhonelidze

16 september 2016 Vijf vragen aan het winnende Lied Duo uit 2014: bas-bariton Milan Siljanov en pianist Nino Chokhonelidze.

Tijdens het 50ste Internationaal Vocalisten Concours in 2014 won het Lied Duo bestaande uit bas-bariton Milan Siljanov en pianist Nino Chokhonelidze de Margie Weideman Prijs voor Lied Duo. We stelden hen in de aanloop naar de 51ste editie een vijftal vragen.

Hoe is het jullie vergaan sinds het IVC 2014?
"After winning the IVC Lied 2014 we went on giving recitals both in the Netherlands, UK and Switzerland. Exactly one year later we won the Wigmore Hall/Kohn Foundation International Song Competition in London."

Wat was jullie belangrijkste leermoment tijdens het IVC 2014?
"To be completely focused when it matters the most. Musicality and the ability to tell stories is obviously crucial, but without strong confidence and willingness to win, you should not take part in competition like the IVC."

Waar hebben jullie het meest van genoten (of juist niet) tijdens het IVC 2014?
"We loved every moment of it! Starting with the host family, the venue and just the entire atmosphere, it was a week to cherish forever. We loved how passionate the audience was and how well it was organised and there is no better feeling than to hear your name go through to the next round!"

Wat willen jullie de kandidaten Lied Duo 2016 meegeven?
"Tell stories! Be brave in choosing your repertoire. And oh, make sure you can really sing each and every song to the best of your ability."

Wat is jullie spannendste toekomstige engagement/concert/optreden?
"We are awaiting our newborn these days. That is a lifelong engagement. Milan will start at the Bavarian State Opera as a Young Artist and early 2017 our debut at Wigmore Hall."

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